Did you get what you wanted for Christmas this year? The new IPad you have wanted for the last year? The computer you asked santa for? New clothes from grandma? Socks from your weird uncle who always has strange knickknacks in his pocket? I didn’t get any of that this year. Before you start feel sorry for me, let me first say that I got exactly what I needed this year. I got my kids joy. Santa wrapped up their smiles and giggles and stuck them right under the tree for me. As a mother there is just no greater gift than to see my babies happy! At what age do you stop caring about the material aspect of Christmas? I am 28 years old and every year I get excited over my children’s excitement and the wait for all the delicious food my family makes! Don’t get me wrong, of course it’s always nice to get something you want or need. However isn’t it so much more enjoyable to give to others? Isn’t it such a joy to experience family? The pure love and support you feel when your loved ones are surrounding you, embracing you with out judgment. I got what I believe everyone should receive. Joy. Love. Acceptance. How beautiful is that! Thank you Santa for giving me not really what I wanted but what I needed.

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