Tag Archives: help

Sharing is caring!

I just wanted to share a quote that has always stuck with me and has helped get me through some things. Maybe in times of need you will remember it as well! “A lion doesn’t lose sleep over the opinion of sheep!”. Your entire life people are going to say certain things about you or judge you but this saying to me means just remember that your above the hate. You are the lion and you RULE your world. You are the boss and anyone who has time in their day to hate on you is just another sheep in the heard. They don’t matter. The most important thing you can be in life is yourself and nobody can take that from you if you don’t allow them to. Stay strong.

A little about me…

First off let me say that I am in no way going to sugar coat things on this blog so please don’t feel bad if you can’t read some of the things that will be said here. I am a firm believer in being honest even if it’s not always what people want to hear. My life has not been a walk in the park. The reason I am here is to hopefully help someone who is or has gone threw some of the things I’ve been threw. I want people to know they are not alone. I will have a lot to say about life, opinions, struggles and something I’m very passionate about which is SELF LOVE! Don’t feel bad if we don’t agree on things because opinions are buttholes ( everyone has one). I want to tell you a little bit about me and my journey to an adult or my version of an adult lol. As I stated before my life has not been a walk in the park. My father is and always has been an alcoholic and drug user. Some of my first memories are of him being wasted, slurring words and expressing extreme anger. They say we learn bad habits from our parents or that our parents actions shape who we become as adults and for my father I believe that to be true. He had a rough childhood and in turn caused a lot of pain during mine. I do not excuse his behavior but I can understand it. He was and is a very abusive man and most of my childhood memories are of him drunk, high and in blind rages that always ended in some sort of violence. He was in and out of jail and I always joke that jail was his second home ( and yes I realize it’s not something to joke about) but it was true. My mother was not the best mom in the world but she loved us the way she knew how and that was good enough most of the time. I truly believe that my mother is the only reason I turned out the way I have even if that means I had to witness some pretty terrible things. I don’t blame her even if she blames herself. No one could have changed my father and how can one expect a mother to be the best she can be while she is being smacked around and told she is worthless! She later had her own drinking problem which caused a great deal of pain for me. My mother has always been my best friend and to see her struggle was not an easy thing for me nor was being her punching bag (I don’t mean physical punching bag) when she would drink. We would later have a big falling out and not talk for months but I am proud to say she is clean and sober and a beautiful human being. I have witnessed and experienced all forms of abuse. Verbal, physical, sexual and emotional. If you can dream it up I have probably heard or seen it happen. I have been separated from my siblings, I have been poor and by poor I mean sleeping in tents and not knowing where your next meal is coming from. I have have been called every bad name in the book by people who are suppose to think nothing but beautiful things about you. I have been broken, built back up just to be broken down again by people I loved the most. I have tried to commit suicide on more than one occasion and have also been a self harmer. I know I know this all seems Extremely sad and depressing but that’s exactly why I’m telling you these things. I want you to know that IT GETS BETTER! I am here to tell you that those terrible things you have gone threw don’t have to DEFINE YOU! Now don’t think that it’s an easy road or a fast one. The road to a better you is extremely long and full of pot holes so buckle up sweet cheeks! It took me 24 years to really love myself and I am 28. I am going to tell you about my journey. I’m going to share stories, opinions, and life lessons that iv learned. I’m here to tell you ITS POSSIBLE to wake up and truly love YOU! Stick around, this is gonna get good…..