Tag Archives: no hate

Is gay ok?

Who are we to say what is and isn’t ok?! We get to decide what is and isn’t ok in our own lives, and we are entitled to think what we want. We are allowed to feel what we feel but when it becomes hurtful to others it crosses a line. I have been hearing a lot of negative things lately about the LGBT community lately and it’s been weighing heavy on my heart. I myself am a proud bisexual woman who happens to have a gay brother who is also extremely proud. This fact however does not sway my opinions at all. I have always felt the same. Even before I knew my own brother was gay I felt that people had a choice to love who they love. I’m told that god doesn’t like gays. That being gay is wrong. That gay people are going to hell. I don’t believe any of this crap. First of all I refuse to believe that god is such a narcissist that he sits up in heaven and sends all to hell who don’t believe in him or doesn’t follow the bible word for word. Nor do I believe in a god who could “hate”. I know I know, religion is a “no no” subject and normally I make it a rule not to speak of it due to people’s sensitivity on the subject, but I’m done being quiet about this. Everyone sins. You can’t pick and choose what sin is worse than the next. Sin is sin! If you are engaging in sex before marriage but condemning gays to hell than I suggest you ask them to save you a seat. You don’t get to pick what is and isn’t right depending on the sins you yourself are making. Go ahead and make your silent judgements but let’s keep them silent. You aren’t going to change anyone by hurting them. I believe that if you’re a good person and make good choices, like helping others but ask for forgiveness when we make mistakes that we will have the honor of making it to heaven. I’m pretty sure no one is waiting at the pearly gates to say “what sex have you decided to love? Men or woman?!” Just be a good person. Be nice to others. I believe those are the people who end up somewhere great when this journey comes to an end. If there is one thing I believe in with every ounce of my being, it’s that there should be no hate for anyone who just wants to be themselves. Let’s embrace what’s different about people. Let’s love.